Cost-effective Translation
Here are a few ideas that we that we hope you will find useful for managing your translation assignments.
Put page numbers (in correct order) on the completed document to prevent confusion and quickly identify missing parts or sections to the document.
Don’t have your document or publication materials translated until after it has gone through a complete and thorough editing and review process and you are sure that it is as clear, concise, complete, and correct as possible. Avoid asking for your materials to be translated or typeset while they are still in the review and editing process.
Generally, the more time given to translate a document the more consistent, free of errors, and accurate the translation will be. It takes just as long if not a little bit longer to translate a document correctly as it takes to write and edit the document. This is because translators must understand what the source document is communicating before s/he can translate it into the target language.
Minimize redundancy from your documents by either indicating on the source document what doesn't need to be translated or physically removing it from the document.
Have someone within your organization enter the numbers in charts & tables.